errors passed
take all the blame we must
until in glorious pain we pass
to the languid, rotting mass.
Is that shame that's ours to take
from the very moment we awake
and get rid of all the vanity, fake!
the one that makes our wills break
La Tríada Escarlata (VIII) / The Scarlet Triad (VIII)
[Visiones corpóreas]
La tan lejana visión estaba ahora a solo unos pasos,
majestuosa se levantaba de aquel mar salitre
que le proporcionaba inmaculado pedestal.
El blanco de su piel se había lavado.
La tríada escarlata permanecía inmóvil, aguardando su llegada.
Los últimos pasos se hacían eternos y a la vez ínfimos.
La pluralidad hacía a la unidad y la intimidad del momento se hacía infinita.
Estiró la mano lentamente e intentó tocarla;
ella aún permanecía rígida y expectante, Lunes era también su destino,
ansiado por milenios encerrados en segundos voraces
que le quitaban su esplendor primigenio.
Uno era demiurgo del otro y se acariciaban como amantes apasionados,
o como acarician un par de padres a su primogénito.
Y se fundieron en un violeta intenso,
y el mar blanco se alzó al cielo, suspendido entre los planos.
Por última vez se sintieron uno,
y fueron el universo, y se hicieron nada.
[Corporeal visions]
The once far vision was now steps away,
it rose majestically from that salted sea
that gave her immaculate base.
The white in his skin had washed away.
The triad remained still, awaiting his arrival.
The last steps became ethernal and negligible.
Plurality became the unity and the intimacy
of the moment became infinite.
He streched his hand gently and tried
to touch her. She was still expecting, rigid.
Monday was also her destiny, craved for
centuries locked in voracious seconds that
took her primeval splendour.
One was the maker of the other, and they
caressed themselves like pasionate lovers;
or as a couple of parents caresses their
And so they melted into an intense purple,
and the white sea floated towards the sky,
suspended in between planes.
For the last time they felt as one
and were the universe,
and became nothingness.
La Tríada Escarlata (VII) / The Scarlet Triad (VII)
Nadó por lo que le parecieron días,
hasta que su físico ya no pudo soportarlo,
y entonces se dejó caer a la profundidad.
Lentamente, y de espaldas hacia abajo, caía.
Desde esa posición el agua tomaba el brillo de las estrellas,
y éstas parecían bailar en la superficie,
el universo estaba constantemente en movimiento,
y aquella escena se lo recordó.
Luego de descender algunos metros se sintió con renovada fuerza,
pero algo en sí le impidió tratar de volver a la superficie
y se dejó seguir cayendo.
Se dio cuenta de que aún podía respirar,
había algo en aquellas aguas eternas que se lo permitían.
Se dio vuelta como en gravedad cero y enfrentó al infinito,
y éste se tornó de tantos colores como nunca se había visto.
El color lo envolvía, y cuando llegaba a su piel
enardecía a todas aquellas partículas de polvo azul que gobernaban en ella.
Pronto supo que no caía,
sino que flotaba hacia una nueva superficie.
Y movió sus brazos por primera vez en unos cuantos minutos, t
al vez horas. El agua se sentía ingrávida como él.
La nueva superficie no se mostró reticente a aceptar su llegada,
y sin que él lo notase, hubo nuevamente un apoyo marmóreo para sus pies.
He swam for what seemed days,
until his body couldn't take it anymore
and then he let himself fall into the depth.
Slowly, and backwards, he fell.
From that point of view the water took the star's glitter,
and the stars appeared to be dancing in the surface.
The universe was in constant movement, and
that scene remainded him of that.
After descending a few metres he felt strong again,
but something inside him prevented him from swiming
back to the surface, and he kept on falling.
He noticed he could still breathe,
there was something on those waters that allowed it.
He turned, as if he were on space, and faced the infinite.
And the infinite became as colorful as he has never seen before.
The color wrapped him, and when it touched it would shiver his
skin, and all those blue dust particles that ruled upon it.
He soon realised he wasn't falling, but floating towards
a new surface.
He moved his arms for the first time in some long minutes,
maybe hours. The water was as ingravid as him.
The new surface didn't appear to be reluctant to receive him.
Without him noticing, there was once again a marble support
to his feet.
La Tríada Escarlata (VI) / The Scarlet Triad (VI)
La tercera vez que fue al desierto no pudo encontrar el mar.
El tres se llenaba de misterio. No regresó hasta que pasaron
unos cuantos meses, y entonces aquel fervor
que había sentido anteriormente se renovó,
y cuando llegó al mar blanco no pudo detenerse.
Las suaves olas acariciaban sus inquietos músculos y los llenaban de energía.
La tríada escarlata lo esperaba tranquila
a la mitad del infinito, a la mitad de la nada, majestuosa y soberbia,
capaz de dejarse alcanzar por quién lo desee verdaderamente,
tanto como de huir para siempre de quienes quieran de ella,
lanzándoles las más feroces pruebas, imposibles de sortear.
Pero Lunes no quería, solo nadaba, limpiándose sin saberlo,
de todas las asperezas que la ciudad le había incrustado,
y destacando aquel polvo azul intenso que lo hacían parte del mar inverso,
que se complementaba con el que de ahora era dueño.
Cuando miraba hacia abajo no conseguía ver aquel fondo de mármol,
ya que estaba ahora dentro del mar infinito.
La tríada estaba todavía lejos,
pero siempre se mostraba deseosa del encuentro.
The third time he went to the desert he couldn’t find the sea.
The number three became full of mistery. He didn’t go back
until a few months passed, and then that fervor he had felt before
re-newed itself. And when he got to the white sea, he couldn’t stop.
The soft waves caressed his restless muscles and filled them with energy.
The scarlet triad waited patiently, half way to the infinite,
half way to nothing. Majestic and superb, she would be capable of leting
herself get reached by those who really want it, as much as running away
forever from who want from her. She would send them terrible tasks,
impossible to accomplish.
But Monday didn’t want, he just swam, cleaning himself without knowing
from all those harshness the city had embedded into him. And that intense
blue dust that made him part of the inverted sea would stand out, and
complemented itself with that sea that was now a part of him.
When he looked down, Mondey couldn’t see the marble bottom,
since he was now inside the infinite sea.
The triad was still far, but it always showed herself
eager to the encounter.
(quedan solo dos partes, "re-nacer" y "visiones corpóreas",
espero les vaya gustando, y más aún espero no decepcionar con el final..
/ only two parts to go, "re-birth" and "corporeal visions", hope you
liked it so far, and what's more, I hope I don't dissapoint you with the end)
La Tríada Escarlata (V) / The Scarlet Triad (V)
[La ciudad]
Esta vez el retorno a la ciudad fue como el de cualquiera, solitario
y en calma; con una sensación extraña en su espalda.
La mañana le fue más gentil, y le permitió ver los dibujos de su piel
mientras eran acariciados cálidamente por el sol. Para cuando
llegó a la ciudad todas habían desaparecido, menos la que quedaba
siempre en medio de su pecho; a veces como hermosos dibujos,
muchas más, amorfa, casi líquida.
El pelo le tapaba los ojos y un par de lentes y una gorra que tenía
desde la infancia completaban la tarea, el camuflaje era perfecto,
pero no lo alejaba de quien era.
Cuando llegó a su casa la rutina seguía allí, esperándolo; pero también
lo hacía su perro, que se entregaba a la oscilación cada vez que le
dirigía siquiera una mirada. Su hocico húmedo lo llevaba a esas noches
felices que le eran tan escasas en la ciudad.
También lo esperaba su compañera, aquella que le parecía tan
distante, pero de vez en cuando, tan parte de sí; era entonces cuando
se hacían líquidos y mataban su individualidad.
El desayuno estaba casi pronto, y las preguntas inquisidoras
habían sido ya abandonadas sin respuesta, pero tornándose comprensión.
Lunes siempre había sido diferente.
Luego, a trabajar, nada fuera de lo común.
La muerte del día lo trastornaba un poco, y lo llenaba de pena,
pero al ser precedido por la noche y al revés, comprobaba que luego
de un período de sufrimiento venía el goce más pleno.
[The city]
This time the trip back to the city was like that of anyone,
lonely and calm, with a weird feeling on the back.
The morning was easier on him, allowing him to see the
drawings in his skin, as they were caressed warmly by the sun.
When he got to the city everyone of them had dissapeared.
Except for the one that remained always in the middle
of his chest, sometimes in the shape of beautiful drawings,
usually shapeless, almost liquid.
His hair covered his eyes, and a pair of dark glasses and a cap
he had from when he was a kid completed the task. The camouflage
was perfect, but didn't separated him from who he really was.
When he got home the routine was still there, waiting.
But there was also his dog, which gave himself to oscilation
everytime Monday even looked at him. His wet nose took him back
to those rare happy nights, so scarse in the city.
There was also his partner, the one who seemed to him so distant,
but at times, a part of himself. It was then when they became
liquid and killed their individuality.
Breakfast was almost ready, and the inquisitive questions had
been left unanswered, understanding took place instead.
Monday had always been different.
Then, he had to work, nothing unusual.
The death of the day upset him a little, and filled him with
sorrow. But as it was preceded by night, and backwards, he then
knew that after a period of suffering came the gratest joy.
La Tríada Escarlata (IV) / The Scarlet Triad (IV)
Esta vez ya no le proporcionaba calma, sino fervor y deseo,
toda su piel temblaba, y la marcha era tan veloz que parecía levantar vuelo.
Alguna torpe caída se interpuso en su camino, pero sólo por unos segundos,
y reía fervorosamente.
El mar lo recibió sereno, así como lo había engendrado su madre.
El mar siempre lo recibía sereno y lleno de quietud.
Mojó toda su piel con aquella agua casi ingrávida, pero no se atrevió a entrar.
Caminó por el borde infinito, y vio a lo lejos un barco que parecía
luchar furiosamente contra una tormenta que no daba prueba alguna
de su existencia. En él iban los héroes pasados, condenados a librar
aquella batalla para siempre, por tratar de hacerse de una historia
que no les pertenecía. Podía escuchar sus gritos feroces,
no cederían ante la derrota jamás.
Dio un paso hacia delante, y sintió suyas aquellas aguas, pero la
poca humanidad que en él quedaba lo hizo retroceder nuevamente,
aún no era momento de domarlas.
This time, going back wouldn’t put him at ease,
but fervent and wishful, all of his skin trembled.
He would go so fast that it seemed as if he would start flying in any minute.
Some clumsy fall got in his way, but not for long;
and he would laugh like a madman.
The sea welcomed him calmed and still.
He weted all of his skin with that almost ingravid water,
but didn’t dare going in. He walked along the infinite shore,
and saw in the distance, a ship that seemed to be struggling
furiouse against a storm which didn´t appear to exist.
In it, there were the heros past, doomed
to fight that battle for ever as punishment
for trying to be part of a story that wasn’t theirs.
Monday could hear their fierce uproars,
they would never give up to defeat.
He took a step forward, and felt those waters his,
but the few humanity that was left on him
made him go back again.
It wasn’t time to tame them yet.
La Tríada Escarlata (III) / The Scarlet Triad (III)
[Earthly Bounds]
But the roots that held him wouldn't let him free just yet,
he would have to go back to the city until he could let go
of it forever.
The road back was dificult, the marble so cold warmed up his
soul the same way it was when he was cradled by the motherly
And the city reflected in his eyes and marked his skin, just
as much as his father did when he stopped being. The father,
so earthly, when turned himself to the metamorphosis, became
dust, blue and bright. Caressing the beautiful bride, and
at the same time going into his son's skin, making beautiful
drawings, that few times were shown. They morphed and changed
as much as the eyes given by his mother.
The desert, cold and exausting at night, was also a paradise
where he could fully exist.
His lucubrations covered life and filled the atmosphere.
Then he would give his clothes up and submit to his visions,
he would dance with them until he'd fall extenuated.
Then he would see how the radiant dust in the sky was imitated
by his father's memory. And he would laugh like a mad man
until he fell into a deep sleep.
The sun would soon hit his skin, and all the signs would
dissappear. So he would cover his paleness and returned to
the city.
He didn't go back to the desert until two weeks later.
La Tríada Escarlata (II) / The Scarlet Triad (II)
La Tríada Escarlata (I) / The Scarlet Triad (I)
La Tríada Escarlata / The Scarlet Triad
Breve descripción de Horacio y una tarde cualquiera
Miles de insectos tamizan el paso de la luz solar.