Lunes era tan blanco como el mar
que le impedía llegar a su lugar deseado.
Pero no era albino, su genética, su pigmentación,
y tantos otros factores no lo comprobaban.
Sus ojos eran de un gris pálido, casi
como el cuerpo de su madre, y se volvían sombra
cuando ella no se presentaba.
En uno de esos períodos fue que Lunes, caminando
en el desierto lineal llegó a las blancas aguas.
Sin saberlo se encontró parado en ellas,
bajo sus pies no había arena, sino mármol,
tan blanco como la ausencia. Pero al tacto
de su frágil piel se hacían tibios todos los involucrados,
y el agua lo invitaba rabiosamente a entrar,
tan rabiosa como el rojo escarlata de la tríada
que se erguía lejos y cerca a la vez,
ante sus ojos llenos de tiniebla.
Monday was as white as the sea that prevented him
from getting to his wished place. But Monday wasn't
an albino, his genes, his pigmentation, and so other
factors didn't proved it.
His eyes were light grey, almost as palid as his mother's
distant body, and they turned to shadows when she
didn't show herself.
It was during one of those periods of time when Monday,
walking through the linear desert, arrived to the white waters.
Without even realising he found himself standing in them,
below his feet there wasn't any sand, but marble,
as white as the absence. But to his fragil skin's touch
it all became warm, and invited him fiercly in.
As fiercly as the red of the triad, which stood close and far
at the same time, before his eyes filled with darkness.