
The last light of the surroundings is turned off
and I’m completly alone to wonder
The night takes over
and I’m consumed by a great hunger
I howl at the moon but get no answer
the silence is absolute

Exotic rhythms fill my mind
and teach me a secret language
spoken only by some
I start moving around
pasing through the room
my walking turns into a ritual dance
made only for the stars to watch

the door opens and colorful shades
dance their way into the room
they join me in my ritual
they dance around me
I am their center.

The rhythm grows in intensity
as does my dancing
and the shadows start entering my body
I accept them graciously
we become one

the room starts turning
the walls blow away and change
into endless colours paint
I bathe in them, close my eyes
as the floor and ceiling dissappear

not sure when or when
I’m in a multi-dimensional place
I embrace it all
the breeze comes from every possible way
it blows inside me
it sings to me
I keep dancing

I’m now the wind full of colours
I am now the colours
I am now the strange rhythms
from the distant land
I am now the secret alphabet
known olny by some
I am now all
I am now none.

I feel the sun in my face
and feel confused
as if I were knocked out during
my frenetic dance
was it all a dream?
was it all a lie?

I sit on my bed
and get around to start my day
with the memories
of the alphabet unsaid
and the music
it all remains

I try to ignore it
assuming all’s a dream
but on my hand there lies
words with paint unsaid

“I wanna go to my primal self
and so only the truth will remain”

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