[Visiones corpóreas]
La tan lejana visión estaba ahora a solo unos pasos,
majestuosa se levantaba de aquel mar salitre
que le proporcionaba inmaculado pedestal.
El blanco de su piel se había lavado.
La tríada escarlata permanecía inmóvil, aguardando su llegada.
Los últimos pasos se hacían eternos y a la vez ínfimos.
La pluralidad hacía a la unidad y la intimidad del momento se hacía infinita.
Estiró la mano lentamente e intentó tocarla;
ella aún permanecía rígida y expectante, Lunes era también su destino,
ansiado por milenios encerrados en segundos voraces
que le quitaban su esplendor primigenio.
Uno era demiurgo del otro y se acariciaban como amantes apasionados,
o como acarician un par de padres a su primogénito.
Y se fundieron en un violeta intenso,
y el mar blanco se alzó al cielo, suspendido entre los planos.
Por última vez se sintieron uno,
y fueron el universo, y se hicieron nada.
[Corporeal visions]
The once far vision was now steps away,
it rose majestically from that salted sea
that gave her immaculate base.
The white in his skin had washed away.
The triad remained still, awaiting his arrival.
The last steps became ethernal and negligible.
Plurality became the unity and the intimacy
of the moment became infinite.
He streched his hand gently and tried
to touch her. She was still expecting, rigid.
Monday was also her destiny, craved for
centuries locked in voracious seconds that
took her primeval splendour.
One was the maker of the other, and they
caressed themselves like pasionate lovers;
or as a couple of parents caresses their
And so they melted into an intense purple,
and the white sea floated towards the sky,
suspended in between planes.
For the last time they felt as one
and were the universe,
and became nothingness.